Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's Going to be 80˚ in MN today!!!

Good Morning.

I hope that everyone has had a clean and productive week! Mine has been busy, as always. Work has been very demanding lately as we have gained some new clients and are taking on a few large projects, which is very exciting because the company is growing! However, sometimes I do not know if I am coming or going! In addition to my other commitments, I have had my schedule packed!!! Which is great, because I enjoy being busy; although, it has not left much spare time for blogging on a regular basis.

That being said, I love working on this blog and letting you into my life through it. If I could, I would love to do something like this full time. Unfortunately, blogging does not bring in a paycheck! ;-)

I know that you are all eager to learn more about clean eating and how I have been successful, and that energy really does keep me motivated. I do not mind answering your questions and sharing my recipes and product reviews with you. Although, this is a personal blog and is done in my spare time – time that could be spent reading, spending time with my husband, or gardening, etc. Don’t get my wrong, I love writing this blog and it is a way for me to use the creativity that I posses, that otherwise gets pent up inside of me! However, I cannot commit to blogging X times per week or sending out email updates or ensuring that I post one recipe per day. It is simply unrealistic for my life at this point.

My vision for this blog is to continue to post as I have in the past and hope that you enjoy reading what I have to say on that particular day. Please keep the questions coming in, as they make great topics for blogging. I am simply asking that you take the time to consider that my life is just as busy as yours and that I may not be able to meet some of your expectations for productivity.

Also, if you have questions that you would like me to personally answer and do not want to post them on the blog, feel free to send me an email at

Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, Maria!

You are coming up with so many great ideas, and sharing the most useful stuff!

I'm a follower of your blog, that means I can see when you have a new post -
I recommend everyone to be followers, then you won't miss anything this girl has to tell!