Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ready for A New Clean Week...

Usually Sunday afternoon is my time to bake and prep work for the week ahead. Today we spent the day at my parent's house helping out. I hope to be able to spend some time tomorrow making protein bars, a couple dinner/lunch options to freeze (lentil or wild rice soup, Pizza Sauce, Marinara Sauce and some Friday Night Chili), along with some oatmeal cookies to bring over to my parent's house to feed my dad and sister. We'll see how far I get with the cooking!

Last week it was nice and warm and most of the snow that was covering my lawn has melted. I was really excited to see my flower beds emerge. I cannot wait until Spring arrives and I get to see my beautiful flowers!!! This last fall, my husband and I added two new flower beds and transplanted several flower, so I cannot wait to see how everything looks this year when it grows in on its own.

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