Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Goals

Thank you to everyone for the kind words on in regards to my before and after pics from the Competition. It was a little scary posting pictures of myself in a bikini for the world to see! I am really happy with the visible results that I had and the way that my clothes now fit. To celebrate my achievement, I even picked up a couple pairs of size 6 jeans and a skirt!!!

On to my summer goals. Yes, I know that the summer has been here for a while… but with the weather that we’ve had in Minnesota, it feels like the summer is just beginning. Besides, in reality, summer has only been here for 9 days. So, with the start of the summer, I would like to set some realistic goals for myself for the next MONTH. A month doesn’t seem like a long time, just 4 short weeks, but it definitely is enough time to make progress on some of my long-term goals.

Here are the things that I would like to accomplish in the month of July:

  1. Eat clean 95% of the time (cheats will be wine, vodka/soda, or very dark chocolate)
  2. Eat all of my meals on time (every 2-3 hours)
  3. Workout 4 days per week
  4. Vary the types of workouts that I do: yoga, circuit training, biking, running, walking, and heavy lifting
  5. Embrace our organic CSA share (that should be getting more bountiful soon)
  6. Visit the Farmer’s Market more often
  7. Increase my Raw Food consumption and try to eat one raw meal every other day
  8. Read Making The Cut by Jillian Michaels
  9. Read an average of one Psalm per day, starting with Psalm 31 (I read 1–30 in the month of June)
  10. Cut wheat flour out of my diet, as it gives me tummy bloat & headaches (stick to sprouted and grain-based complex carbs)
  11. Embrace healthy fats like avocados, nut butters, and coconut oil
  12. Get 8 hours of sleep every night
  13. Start writing a Cookbook

Yes, you read that right. I have decided to write a Cookbook. I plan on filling the book with both recipes and organization/clean foodie tips, like I have on this blog. You may have noticed that I have not been posting as many recipes lately. This is because I have been busy in the Peters test kitchen experimenting with lots of different recipes, deciding which ones will make it into the book. Rest assured that recipes that do not make the cut will still be posted on my blog along with a few “sneak peak” recipes that do make it into the cookbook.

Do you have any suggestions of recipes that are currently on the blog that I should include in the cookbook? What are your favorites?


AzLinda said...

Hi there! Congratulations on your 12 week results....you look amazing! I'm new to the blogging world, found your blog through Tosca's clean eating site and I love it. I actually went back and read from the very beginning. Some great stuff here!

Great that you are writing a cookbook. One recipe of yours I'd love to see is your Quinoa mango salad....it looks so yummy!

Maria Peters said...

AzLinda, the Quinoa Mango Salad is one of my favorites. I actually just made it for a Family Reunion and it was a hit. I kept getting questions about what exactly it was. :) Most people in my family had no clue WHAT quinoa was. It was fun to show them something new. Unfortunately, the salad will definitely be one of the recipes that I will include in the Cookbook, but maybe as I get closer to being finished with the book, I can use it as a "teaser" recipe and post it here on the blog. :)

AzLinda said...

Oh, that sounds great!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are doing a cookbook. I will definitely buy it! I love your blog!